Thursday, October 15, 2009
Spring 2010 Linguistics Courses
I needed a bit of humor today. I am having problems uploading updated blog entries to my faculty site, so I am moving our blog over to Blogger territory, which is more familiar for me.
While the final, official spring schedule has not yet been released, we do have a tentative schedule of linguistics courses for the spring:
ENG 344: Structures of English
MWF 9:00-9:50 Sams, J
MWF 11:00-11:50 Sams, J
R 4:00-6:30 (?) Sams, C
ENG 441: Linguistic Theory
TR 11:00-12:15 Sams, J
Even though we will not be able to offer ALL the classes we had hoped for (notice Forensic Linguistics is missing...), we will be offering more sections of linguistics courses than have been offered in the past, which is very exciting. But only if students sign up for the courses. The R-night section of Structures will be a hybrid course, meaning that up to 50% of the course will take place online.
As a side note, both these courses would work for anyone interested in the proposed Linguistics Minor. The minor could go up for approval with the College Council as soon as next month; I will update you as soon as I hear anything on that front.
In other news (yes, there is a world outside of SFA Linguistics), I came across a couple linguistic studies I thought you all might find interesting:
The Handwriting of Liars: a study finds that handwriting may be a better tool to find lies than gestures, vocal cues, and word choice.
Rethinking the Bee's Waggle Dance: a study shows that we may have been overestimating the importance of the bee's dance to indicate the location of food.
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